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Which is better? 8g Vs. 580g Cream Chargers

  • What exactly are cream chargers?
  • The different types of cream chargers
  • Using these cream chargers
  • 580g Cream Chargers
  • Using the 580g cream chargers
  • Why Nitrous Oxide requires caution while using

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Cream chargers are a type of portable nitrous oxide unit that can be used for various types of procedures. If you’re wondering which one to buy, there is a wide variety available with different sizes and prices. However, the most popular ones on the market today either fall into 8g or 580 grams. But before deciding what size works best for your needs, let’s explore each type in detail!

What exactly are cream chargers?

Cream chargers are nitrous oxide that is used with whip cream dispensers. They are disposable stainless steel canisters, usually containing 8g to 580g.

Cream chargers contain nitrous oxide, which is mainly used for medical purposes. Although it can be used recreationally, caution is advised since it’s usually mixed with oxygen, making the gas dangerous to inhale when not appropriately combined.

The different types of cream chargers

As fate will have it, cream chargers come in various shapes and sizes. Some are small enough to carry around with ease, while others require a bit more storage space. 

8g Cream chargers


This is usually the smallest size available on the market. Welcome to the world of creamy, rich whipped cream! It will be hard to use any other kind again. 8 gram chargers are pure and filled with food-grade nitrous oxide gas, which turns up 0.5 liters of liquid whipping cream into 1 – 2 cups worth (depending on the brand). This makes it highly delicious, as well as having that soft texture foam just right in your mouth. These types of N2O chargers are usually sealed electronically weighed by manufacturers to make sure each contains exactly an even amount–8 grams.

Using these cream chargers

The 8-gram cream charger aligns perfectly with most standard whip cream dispensers. To use, just screw the charger onto the canister and press down until you hear a loud sound of gas being released. However, these are disposable units that may be recycled because steel is highly recyclable. So if possible, try to drop them off at your local recycling center instead of throwing them in the trashcan when done.



  • It’s very effective when used with a whip cream dispenser.
  • It’s small, compact and can be carried around very easily.
  • The price is highly affordable, which makes it the best choice for people on a tight budget.



  • Since this site contains only 8g of nitrous oxide, it can get empty quickly.
  • Although this site is excellent for individual use, it’s not very practical to share with other people since it runs out so fast and you’ll have to buy a new one each time.


580g Cream Chargers


These high-quality nitrous oxide chargers produce vast whipped cream compared to the smaller 8-gram cartridges. With one large gas canister, you will have enough supply for any occasion!

Although they’re pretty large, these canisters are very easy to use and come with a handle that makes them easier for carrying around. They also have a pour spout at the top and can be used with any of your whip cream dispensers.

A large cream charger will give you more than enough supply of culinary-grade N2O for large occasions. This type of cartridge is incredibly time-saving compared to the smaller 8g cartridges, which only yield 0.5 liters per charge!


Using the 580g cream chargers


For the 580 cream charger, a hose and pressure regulator are vital to use with your 8g whip cream dispenser. To turn the 580-gram chargers into something more potent than what they were intended for, connect them between an air compressor or other source that produces high-volume jets. The kind is designed to dispense liquids onto surfaces such as walls with less surface area per unit volume (think shots).

The advantage? You can control precisely how much liquid gets shot out–from just one cartridge!



  • The advantage of using this size is that you can make larger quantities and produce more whipped cream in a single session.
  • It can be used with most whip cream dispensers available at stores like Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc.
  • The 580-gram N20 chargers are the most potent cartridges commonly available today due to their large quantity.
  • It’s a very economical cream charger.



  • Since these chargers are so powerful, they can cause too much volume to come out and will take some practice to use them effectively.
  • The large size also makes it potent, impractical when you only need a little bit of whipped cream to garnish your desserts.


Why Nitrous Oxide requires caution while using

N20 needs a lot of care while using as it can result in hallucinations and symptoms of oxygen deprivation. If using a whip cream dispenser, you should shake the contents well before use and then keep it in an upright position at all times. Otherwise, the pressure will build up inside the canister to dangerous levels resulting in a nasty explosion. That’s just one reason why it’s not recommended to buy cheap brands usually fake cream dispensers and can lead to hazardous accidents.

When using large chargers, the gas pressure should be regulated carefully because if you release too much at once, it can result in many wastages. If you’re planning to use one of these with an air compressor or similar device, then make sure no more than half of the gas canister is used at any given time.

When using large chargers, don’t let them stand for too long as they can build up pressure that causes nasty accidents if released all at once–remember this! The last thing you want to do is end up injuring yourself or damaging your property because these things are so unpredictable sometimes.

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